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The cross is a picture of violence, yet the key to peace; a picture of suffering, yet the key to healing; a picture of death, yet the key to life.

The thing that helps me when I’m suffering is a glimpse of God. On the cross, Jesus didn’t have that.

I am learning (not have learned) that even when I am in pain, I don’t have to be one.

Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line until your call is no longer important to you.

We often hear, ‘Life is short, better enjoy it.’ How about, ‘Eternity is long, better prepare for it!’

If the living knew what the dead knew, the whole world would be following Jesus.

Because Jesus became human, He understands you. Because He is Divine, He can help you. He is uniquely positioned to carry you home.

CS Lewis – Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.

Your attitude is your thought life turned inside out.