
Gideon was a man who lived in a time when Israel was constantly under attack by the Midianites.   The story goes like this.  The Israelites would plant crops and, just when they were ready to be harvested, thieves from Midian would steal all the produce that the Israelites had worked months to grow.  It was a frustrating and terrible scenario for the Children of Israel.  So God called Gideon to raise up an army to fight these enemies. 

When we are introduced to Gideon in the scripture, an angel of the Lords addresses him and says, “The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior.”  Judges 6:12.  But truth be told, at that very moment, Gideon was hiding in a wine press, afraid of the Midianites.  O valiant warrior?  Really?  Gideon was a coward.  But you know what, God used him anyway.  Let’s be like Gideon and not give into fear.  Fear can rob us of what God intended to give us.  Let’s trust God in spite of our anxiety and concerns.  Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the willingness to act in spite of fear.