Seasons of Change. (A guide to parenting)

Proverbs 22:6 is a verse I hold near to my heart.  “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” 

Parenting has seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow, seasons of stress, seasons of frustration and always seasons of change. One of the hardest changes for me was taking my first born, Ben, to college and leaving him there. I will never forget watching him stand on the street corner waving goodbye to us. I didn’t want to drive away. It tore at something in my heart. Ken and I cried all the way home. We had spent 18 years teaching him, training him, and coaching him.  Now, we had to let him leave the nest and pray that he will soar.  

Max Lucado wrote, “Straight teeth, straight A’s, or straight posture cannot hold a candle compared to placing a child on the straight spiritual path.  The highest privilege and purpose you have as a parent is to lead your child in the way of Christ.”   Children follow by example.  We must model for them what it means to follow Jesus.  Our words must match our actions.  And more than anything, the best thing we can do for our kids is to pray for them.  God loves them more than we do, and though we aren’t always with them, He is.  Pray.  Pray for your kids every day, whether they are old or young.  Pray and believe.  And then pray some more.