The Know-It-All Kid

We are commanded by God to love one another. Jesus commanded us to “Love others as I have loved you.”  I have found myself tested on this command many times.  Back in the day when I was helping to carpool neighborhood kids to school, a young teenage boy drove me crazy.  He was know-it-all who had an opinion on everything – and he was never wrong (at least in his own mind).  One day after school, that same young man just assumed that he could catch a ride home with us.  He didn’t ask, he just jumped in the car. I found myself fighting that in my mind.  Resentment began building in me because I felt taken for granted. Consequently, my attitude toward him was terrible. And then the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and convict me. I realized that though I may have come across as loving (because I did drive him home) my attitude was far from perfect.  Lousy might be a better word to describe it.  And so (as I have to do so often) I repented of my sinful thoughts.  Thank you Jesus for forgiveness!

There’s something about our American culture that wants to be appreciated.  We want people to notice us, notice when we do something good or kind.  If you’re at all like me, you hate the feeling of being taken for granted.  It’s really my pride that rises up and reacts.  As I processed through my “loving failure” of that day, I came to the conclusion that Godly love, agape love, doesn’t need appreciation.  It doesn’t crave acknowledgement.  It doesn’t need to be noticed.  It just needs to be given. Lord Jesus, teach me to love others as You loved others. Help me to be compassionate and kind and not judgmental.