
I pray for our church every day.  (You would probably expect me to!)  I pray for guidance, anointing, for direction, wisdom.  I pray for people, for families, for provision, and anything else that comes to my mind and my spirit.  But there is one prayer that I pray for us every day, without fail.  I pray that we would be a place that hosts the Presence of the Lord.  Without His presence, we’re just a club, a place to hang out and make friends.  We need God’s presence here!

Have you heard the name Ichabod?  Do you know what it means?  It means “the Glory has departed.”   I don’t ever want to lead or be a part of church where the glory has departed.  Ichabod  -  a place where the presence of the Lord is absent.  Instead will you pray with me - Lord Jesus come.  Holy Spirit you are welcome here.  We need You.  We want Your presence.  Make us hungry and thirsty for You.  Make us desperate for You.  Help us to live lives that are pleasing to You.  Make us a place where Your glory dwells.