Does Weird Bother God?

Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, was the day God poured out the HS on all the believers. Ezekiel prophesied, “I will no longer hide My face from them, for I will pour out My Spirit on the people of Israel.”  39:29 NIV   And then God, thru the prophet Joel, expanded this promise.

“It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28 ESV, Acts 2:17 

 Can I give you an admonition? A word of caution?  Never down play the amazing privilege that the Holy Spirit is with you. In the Old Testament, throughout Israel’s history, God sent His Spirit selectively.  He inspired the artists that created the Ark of Covenant. Temple. His Spirit came upon Moses, and upon some of the kings, and a few prophets. But in that day, the concept of God pouring out His Spirit on all mankind, was unheard of. Mind boggling.  For us on this side of Pentecost, we can take it for granted as if it’s nothing special. But for those who came before us, those living in ancient times, it would be shocking to consider that what was once a special privilege for a few, was now given to everyone who believes. Never take it for granted. 

Quite honestly, I was a part of Christian group in college that worked hard to down-play or ignore the role of the Holy Spirit.  To a degree, I get why. It can get weird. But don’t you think it was weird when Moses raised his staff over the Nile and that river turned to blood?  It was weird in Joshua 10, when Joshua prayed that the day wouldn’t end.  And so the sun stayed in the same place.  Time stopped and actually moved backwards.  It must have been super weird in Numbers 22 when Balaam disobeyed and his donkey began to talk to him.  It was weird in John 9 when Jesus made mud and put it on the blind man’s eyes so that he could see. It was weird when Jesus took the bread and said is my body broken for you, eat it. This is my blood shed for you, drink it.  Communion is weird.  Jesus needing to die so that we can live is weird. My analysis - Weird doesn’t seem to bother God. Ask God to make you receptive to anything and everything the Holy Spirit wants to do to you and through you. Don’t reject the move of God because it can feel weird. Weird doesn’t seem to bother God.