Be Angry, but....

Have you noticed that violence has escalated everywhere? It would be hard to not notice. I have heard the question asked – what has gone wrong in our nation that violence is on the rise? Has a spirit of violence descended on us? Perhaps. But, I don’t think the main problem is violence. To me, that’s the fruit of the problem, the effect. As I see it, the cause or the root of the problem is uncontrolled and unresolved anger.

The Scripture says, “Be angry…” Ephesians 4:26a. (That’s not a command that most of us put on our refrigerator. It just doesn’t sound right, does it?) But the Bible does say be angry. It acknowledges that we will all struggle with anger. But the command doesn’t stop there. The Bible goes on to say, “Be angry, but do not sin.” If we could figure out how to consistently obey this command, it would save us from a lot of trouble! Wouldn’t you agree? Additionally, I’m convinced it would stop the rise of violence in our nation.

In this life, we must learn to control our anger or it will control us. The book of James instructs us to be slow to anger. The truth is that situations in life will make us angry. And anger can erupt like a volcano. Suddenly, we find anger managing us instead of us managing it.

The book of Proverbs says, “Fools vent their anger but the wise quietly hold it back.” Proverbs 29:11 NLT

How do we have self-control and learn to hold back our anger? I am slowly discovering that I can control my responses. I don’t need to act impulsively, spouting out in hostility. If I handle things well, I will remove myself from the volatile situation and delay my response. I don’t bury it. I deal with it. But, I don’t have to deal with it immediately. When I choose to have self-control, and delay my response, I am much more likely to obey the command – Be angry but do not sin.

Today, a lot of people today bury anger. But it doesn’t just go away. It builds and grows. Such people become not a “bucket” of anger, but a factory. Unresolved anger produces more and more anger – like a factory. I’m convinced that’s why the Bible says, “Be angry…” Acknowledge it. Don’t bury it. Delay it. Deal with it. Talk about it. Repent of it.

So many in our world today have allowed anger to consume and control their thinking. Anger can control your life. It makes us bent on revenge. Anger is deadly. It can destroy us if we don’t control it.

Lord, teach us to harness this strong human emotion in a Godly, God-honoring way. Teach us Your ways.