Are You Happy?

 “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps the law.”  Proverbs 19:18 NAS  “Where there is no word from God, people are uncontrolled, but those who obey what they have been taught are happy.”  Proverbs 19:18 NCV

Do you ever find yourself saying, “I'm not happy.”  It is true that we all go through seasons of frustration and discouragement.  Due to problems, hormones, or just life events, we can lose our contentment and have a sour attitude.  I have yet to meet anyone immune to seasons such as this.  However, it should be just a season.  If unhappiness rules your life, I would encourage you to take an honest look at things.  Take stock of your life.

The bible says, “Happy is he who keeps the Law.”  If you are generally unhappy, look to see if you are walking in complete obedience to God’s word.  Are you forgiving those who wrong you?  Are you living as a servant, considering others more important than yourself?  Are you obeying God with your money?  The Bible says the first 10% of your income belongs to Him.  Are you letting the sun go down on your anger?  Take stock of your life.  Walk in obedience to God’s word.  Happy are the obedient.