Let It Rain

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”  Acts 3:19

I love rain.  I especially love rain when we haven’t had any for months.  I love the way it makes everything greener and the way it cools off the temperatures.  And who can resist the fresh smell of rain?  Just as in the natural world we need rain, so in our spiritual lives we need rain.  Spiritual rain heals.  It brings refreshment and hope.  It causes spiritual growth and stimulates healing.  There is a cleansing aspect to spiritual rain.  Father, let it rain on our hearts, our minds, and our emotions. 

With the Covid-19 virus affecting our world, we are walking through a difficult time.  I know that many people have been discouraged and weary, struggling with hopelessness and fear.  But I sense a change is coming.  I believe a time of spiritual rain is upon us.  It’s beginning to rain.  And with this Godly rain, we will find refreshment, encouragement, and new strength.  Droughts only last for a season. They have their purpose.   They cause our spiritual roots to go down deep.  They root out weeds like pride and self-sufficiency.  If we seek God through times of drought, He will make us strong in the Lord.  So, like Elijah in 1 Kings 18, pray for rain.  Look for rain.  Trust God for refreshing rain. So take courage and wait on the Lord.