Hope Again...

I became a Christian when I was three years old.  I have spent most of my life pursuing God, seeking His face, desiring to know Him.  And if there is anything I am certain of, if I believe anything at all, it is this—I believe in Jesus Christ.  I know that my Redeemer lives!  I know He is who He says He is.  I have seen miracles in my own life and miracles happen to others.  I have seen things that are unexplainable apart from God.  Like you I have known suffering, but during these times I have also seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of living.  I have known peace that is beyond human understanding.  I have failed so many times, and yet I have experienced the power of Jesus’ forgiveness.  And in all of this, I have come to have complete confidence in Christ, my Savior. 

As a result, I have hope.  I have hope in God.  I have hope in His promises.  I have hope in the midst of life’s problems.  I have hope in tomorrow because God will be there with me.  So many people today lose hope.  But God says that He is the God of hope.  He wants me to abound in hope.  And as I embrace the hope of the Gospel, I can pray with confidence, knowing that I serve a God who hears.  A God who responds.  A God who cares.  A God who loves.  A God who acts on my behalf.  I have hope in my God.  My Redeemer lives.