The Blame Game

Blame. Isn’t it easy to play the blame game?  In our culture there seems to be a rise in the desire to cast blame on others. No one wants to take responsibility for the different crisis’ affecting our nation. Who do we blame for Covid? Who do we blame for inflation? The border crisis? The rise of violence in our society? Who can we blame? Do we feel better about things if we find someone to blame?

One of my goals as a parent has been to train my boys to take personal responsibility for their actions.  Admitting mistakes is never easy. It requires massive doses of humility.  Why is that? It is because there is something within each of us that wants to defend ourselves, and cover our tracks, so that we can cast off blame.  The root of this is of course pride.   

Humility admits mistakes, takes ownership of failures, and works to learn to make better choices.  I have found that I have learned a whole lot more from my mistakes than my successes.  It is when I fail, own up to my actions, that I see true growth occur in my heart.  It is when I fail, that I find myself drawing nearer to Jesus. In Him I find forgiveness and complete acceptance.  God never called us to be perfect.  He called to be complete.  And it is in Jesus alone, walking with Him, loving Him, and knowing Him, where that completeness lies.  Yes, we want to live a life worthy of the calling of God on our lives.  But saints are the sinners who fall down and get up quickly.