Have You Lost the WOW of Easter?

Jesus came to earth 2000 years ago.  He was fully God and fully man.  He came to live and to die that we might live.  He offered us everlasting life through the redemptive power of His blood.  But sometimes I think we have heard these statements so many times that it no longer stirs our soul.  We become callous to this amazing gift and it can become trite and ordinary.  We’ve lost the WOW factor


So consider today, what would that have been like for the God of creation to become a human being and live as a resident in Nazareth, in a carpenter’s home?  Consider how He suffered for us, as He was rejected and beaten, eventually paying the ultimate price, He gave up His life.   


Why did He do it?  Why did He come?  He came because He loves us.  “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16    He loved us so much that He entered our world, so that one day, we could enter His.  Wow!